The “Palaeomagnetism and Magnetic Susceptibility” facility, developed since 2013, was financed directly by CRPG funds and partially by support from ICEEL (in collaboration with Y. Geraud, Géoressources).

This facility performs basic palaeomagnetism analyses (thermal demagnetisation and magnetic remanence analysis). It also facilitates mineralogical characterisations and analyses of magnetic fabrics through analyses of magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy.


Photo équipement paleomag

Non-magnetic pyrox furnace

This furnace is used to demagnetise rock samples at different temperatures. It is equipped with a non-magnetic enclosure that shields against Earth’s magnetic fields, a heating vessel (0–800 °C) and a ventilated cooling chamber.

Photo équipement paleomag

JR6A Magnetometre

This automatic magnetometer measures the magnetisation of demagnetised rocks at different temperatures.

Photo équipement paleomag

Kapabridge MFK1 Susceptometre – CS3 furnace and CS-L cryostat

Kapabridge MFK1 Susceptometre: This apparatus measures magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy, and thus allows the characterisation of the magnetic fabric of rock samples.

CS3 furnace and CS-L cryostat: coupled to the MFK1 susceptometre, these two systems measure magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature (the first at −194 to +20 °C and the second at 20–700 °C) in a neutral argon atmosphere to identify the Curie points of mineral phases, and thus the minerals themselves, that are difficult to identify by classical optical methods.

Other equipment

  • Dual blade saw for sample preparation
  • Thermal friction drill


  • Magnetostratigraphy and magnetic mineralogy of syn-rift sediments in Corinth
  • Magnetostratigraphy and magnetic mineralogy of the Narayani palaeo-fan in India
  • Characterisation of the mineralogy and magnetic fabrics (ASM) of the Sarcoui trachytic dome (Massif Central)
  • Characterisation of the mineralogy and magnetic fabrics (ASM) of rocky reservoirs (collaboration with Géoressources)


Please contact the scientific lead (julien.charreau@univ-lorraine.fr) to arrange collaborative use of the equipment. 

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