Photographie du laboratoire Télédétection hyperspectrale

Equipped with a point spectrometer and two hyperspectral cameras spanning the visible near-infrared range (0.4–2.5 µm), the hyperspectral remote sensing laboratory is dedicated to reflectance spectroscopy studies.

Acquired rock and powder spectra are processed with state-of-the-art, dedicated software (ENVI, BREEZE/EVINCE, Mineral Recognizer).

Although these instruments have numerous possible applications, at the CRPG they are mainly used for planetary analogue studies (ground-truthing of remote sensing data in the field, building new reference spectral libraries for Mars and the Moon….).

Two calculation servers and 150 TB of dedicated storage are available for associated data processing and storage.


Image commerciale de l'instrument Fielspec 4

Fieldspec 4 Standard Resolution point spectrometer

Spectral range:
350-2 500 nm

Spectral resolution:
3 nm @ 700 nm 
10 nm @ 1 400/2 100 nm

Image commerciale de l'instrument Hyspex VNIR3000-N

Hyspex VNIR3000-N Hyperspectral camera

Spectral range:
400-1000 nm

Spectral resolution:
2 nm

Spatial resolution:
15 µm/px

Image commerciale de l'instrument Hyspex SWIR640

Hyspex SWIR640 Hyperspectral camera

Spectral range:
960-2500 nm

Spectral resolution:
4.38 nm

Spatial resolution:
32 µm/px

Image commerciale du support de scan

Laboratory scanning stage

The large rack allows multiple cameras to be used at the same time in the laboratory, at a maximum 1-metre working distance, and supports lamps for sample illumination.


Field setup

Coupled with a rotation stage, our field tripod allows the outdoor scanning of up to two cameras positioned horizontally.


The data produced in the CRPG hyperspectral remote sensing laboratory are published as the open-access spectral library Mirabelle, which is accessible via the free interface S-SHADE:          

Logo de la base de données hyperspectrales Mirabelle


Please contact the scientific lead to arrange collaborative use of the equipment.


Flahaut J. et al. (2024), The hyperspectral remote sensing laboratory at CRPG Nancy, France, Mercury Laboratory Analog Workshop, DLR Berlin, Germany.

Peignaux C., J. Flahaut and F. Faure (2024), Spectral properties of synthetic plagioclases as planetary analog materials, Mercury Laboratory Analog Workshop, DLR Berlin, Germany.

Flahaut J. et al. (2024), Origin of Mars feldspathic rocks from remote sensing data analyses and terrestrial analogue studies, JpGU conference, Tokyo, Japan.

Barthez M. et al. (2024) A VNIR spectral database of Mars analog rocks to guide future analyses of hyperspectral data, 9eme Colloque du Groupe Hyperspectral de la SFPT, Rennes, France.

Peignaux C., J. Flahaut , F. Faure (2024) VNIR Spectral Properties of Synthetic Plagioclase as an Analogue to Mars, 55th LPSC, Houston, TX, abstract #1242.

Barthez, M., J. Flahaut, M. Guitreau, G. Ito and R. Pik (2023), Understanding VNIR plagioclase signatures on Mars through petrographic, geochemical and spectral characterization of terrestrial feldspar‐bearing igneous rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, doi: 10.1029/2022JE007680.

Ito, G., J. Flahaut, O. González-Maurel, B. Godoy, V. Payet and M. Barthez (2022), Remote sensing survey of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex minerals for planetary analog use. Remote Sensing, 14(9), 2081;

Flahaut J., J.L. Bishop et al. (2021), Fumarolic alteration on Mars: Lessons learned from terrestrial analog fieldwork. GSA annual meeting (hybrid), Portland, Oregon, USA.

Barthez M., J. Flahaut, G. Ito, J. Hernandez-Palacios, N. Liu and R. Pik (2021), Mineralogical composition of terrestrial feldspathic rocks using reflectance spectroscopy data from HySpex hyperspectral cameras. EGU general Assembly, abstract EGU21-11902.

Barthez M., J. Flahaut, G. Ito, M. Guitreau, and R. Pik (2020), Near-infrared laboratory measurements of feldspathic rocks as a reference for hyperspectral Martian remote sensing data interpretation. EuroPlanet Science Congress, abstract EPSC2020-606.

Flahaut J., J. L. Bishop, S. Silvestro, D. Tedesco, I. Daniel and D. Loizeau (2019), Visible Near Infrared reflectance spectroscopy of the Solfatara fumarolic fields (Italy) as an analog for Early Mars. American Mineralogist, 104(11), 1565–1577 ;

Flahaut J., M. Martinot, J. L. Bishop, G.R. Davies and N. Potts (2017), Remote sensing and in situ mineralogic survey of the Chilean salars: An analog to Mars evaporate deposits. Icarus, 282, 152–173,