Julie Gamblin, Evelyn Füri, Bernard Marty, Laurent Zimmermann, David Bekaert

Geochemical Perspectives Letters v31, 2024

Voir en ligne : https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.2431

Abstract :

Samples returned from the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu show mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic similarities with Ivuna-type (CI) carbonaceous chondrites, which likely contributed to Earth’s volatile inventory. To better understand the complex Ne-Ar-N signature of CI-type material, we analysed a single, mg-sized Ryugu particle by multi-step (n = 85) heating. Noble gases (Ne, Ar) are a mixture between implanted Solar Wind (SW), presolar component(s), and the carbonaceous phase Q, with negligible cosmogenic contributions. The δ¹⁵N variations observed during progressive heating reflect the presence of various N-bearing phases. The large number of heating steps provide key insights into the effect of thermal processing on the N abundance and isotopic ratio, and indicate that low temperatures can result in extensive N loss from CI-type material, without significantly affecting the bulk N isotopic composition. Nitrogen isotopes, therefore, remain a reliable and powerful tool for tracing volatile sources in the Solar System.