Mary Ford
Fonction : Directrice CRPG - Professeur
Coordonnées :

15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy – France

Téléphone : +33 (0)3 83 59 48 78
Bureau : 104


Crémades, A., Ford, M., Charreau, J.

Evidence of decoupled deformation during Jurassic rifting and Cenozoic inversion phases in the salt-rich Corbi`eres-Languedoc Transfer Zone (Pyreneo-Provençal orogen, France) (Article de journal)

Dans: BSGF- Earth Sciences Bulletin, vol. 192, no. 37, 2021.

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Hemelsda"el, R., Charreau, J., Ford, M., Proborukmi, M. S., Malartre, F., Urban, B., Blard, P. H.

Tectono-climatic controls of the early rift alluvial succession: Plio-Pleistocene Corinth Rift (Greece) (Article de journal)

Dans: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 576, p. 110507, 2021.

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Bahnan, A. E., Carpentier, C., Pironon, J., Ford, M., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Mangenot, X., Gaucher, E. C.

Impact of geodynamics onfluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonatereservoirs in a foreland basin: Example of the Upper Lacq reservoir(Aquitaine basin, SW France) (Article de journal)

Dans: Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 111, p. 676–694, 2020.

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Bernard, T., Sinclair, H. D., Naylor, M., Christophoul, F., Ford, M.

Post‐orogenic sediment drape in the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, 2020.

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Ford, M., Vergés, J.

Evolution of a salt-rich transtensional rifted margin, eastern North Pyrenees, France (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of the Geological Society, p. jgs2019-157, 2020.

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Bernard, T., Sinclair, H. D., Gailleton, B., Mudd, S. M., Ford, M.

Lithological control on the post-orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 518, p. 53–66, 2019.

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Dielforder, A., Frasca, G., Brune, S., Ford, M.

Formation of the Iberian‐European convergent plate boundary fault and its effect on intraplate deformation in Central Europe (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems G3, vol. 20, no. 5, p. 2395–2417, 2019.

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Espurt, N., Angrand, P., Teixell, A., Labaume, P., Ford, M.

Crustal-scale balanced cross-section and restorations of the Central Pyrenean belt (Nestes-Cinca transect) : Highlighting the structural control of Variscan belt and Permian-Mesozoic rift systems on mountain building (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonophysics, vol. 764, p. 25–45, 2019.

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Grool, A. R., Huismans, R. S., Ford, M.

Salt décollement and rift inheritance controls on crustal deformation in orogens (Article de journal)

Dans: Terra Nova, vol. 31, p. 562–568, 2019.

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McNeil, L. C., Shillington, D. J., Carter, G. D. O., Everest, J. D., Gawthorpe, R. L., Miller, C., Ber, E. Le, Philipps, M. P., Collier, R. E. Ll., Cvetkoska, A., Gelder, G. De, Diz, P., Doan, M. L., Ford, M.

High-resolution record reveals climate-1 driven environmental and sedimentary changes in an active rift (Article de journal)

Dans: Scientific Reports, 2019.


Ternois, S., Odlum, M., Ford, M., Pik, R., Stockli, D., Tibari, B., Vacherat, A., Bernard, V.

Thermochronological evidence of early orogenesis,Eastern Pyrenees, France (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 38, p. 1308–1336, 2019.

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Angrand, P., Ford, M., Watts, A. B.

Lateral Variations in Foreland Flexure of a Rifted Continental Margin: The Aquitaine Basin (SW France) (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 37, 2018.

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Godefroy, G., Caumon, G., Ford, M., Laurent, G., Jackson, C. A. L.

A parametric fault displacement model to introduce kinematic control into modeling faults from sparse data (Article de journal)

Dans: Interpretation, vol. 6, no. 2, p. B1-B13, 2018.

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Grool, A., Ford, M., Vergés, J., Huismans, R. S., Christophoul, F., DIelforder, A.

Insights into the crustal‐scale dynamics of a doubly vergent orogen from a quantitative analysis of its forelands : A case study of the Eastern Pyrenees (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 37, no. 2, p. 450–476, 2018.

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Gawthorpe, R. L., Andrews, J. E., Collier, R. E. L., Ford, M., Henstra, G. A., Kranis, H., Leeder, M. R., Muravchik, M., Skourtsos, E.

Building up or out? Disparate sequence architectures along an active rift margin---Corinth rift, Greece (Article de journal)

Dans: Geology, vol. 45, no. 12, p. 1111–1114, 2017.

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Hemelsda"el, R., Ford, M., Malartre, F., Gawthorpe, R.

Interaction of an antecedent fluvial system with early normal fault growth: Implications for syn-rift stratigraphy, western Corinth rift (Greece) (Article de journal)

Dans: Sedimentology, vol. 64, no. 7, p. 1957–1997, 2017.

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Ford, M., Hemelsda"el, R., Mancini, M., Palyvos, N.

Rift migration and lateral propagation: evolution of normal faults and sediment-routing systems of the western Corinth rift (Greece) (Article de journal)

Dans: Geological Society of London Special Publication, vol. 439, 2016.

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Ford, M., Hemmer, L., Vacherat, A., Gallagher, K., Chrsitophoul, F.

Retro-wedge foreland basin evolution along the ECORS line, eastern Pyrenees, France (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 173, p. 419–437, 2016.

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Rougier, G., Ford, M., Chrsitophoul, F., Bader, A. G.

Stratigraphic and tectonic studies in the central Aquitaine Basin, northern Pyrenees: Constraints on the subsidence and deformation history of a retro-foreland basin (Article de journal)

Dans: Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, vol. 348, no. 3-4, p. 224–235, 2016.

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Hemelsda"el, R., Ford, M.

Relay zone evolution: a history of repeated fault propagation and linkage, central Corinth rift, Greece (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, p. 1–23, 2014.

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Salles, L., Ford, M., Joseph, P.

Characteristics of axially-sourced turbidite sedimentation on an active wedge-top basin (Annot Sandstone, SE France) (Article de journal)

Dans: Marine and petroleum Geology, 2014.

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Ford, M., Rohais, S., Williams, E. A., Bourlange, S., Jousselin, D., Backert, N., Malartre, F.

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the western Corinth rift (Central Greece) (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, p. 1–23, 2012.

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Durand-Riard, P., Salles, L., Ford, M., Caumon, G., Pellerin, J.

Understanding the evolution of syn-depositional folds: Coupling decompaction and 3D sequential restoration (Article de journal)

Dans: Marine Geophysical Researches and Petroleum Geology, vol. 28, no. 8, p. 1530–1539, 2011.

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Salles, L., Ford, M., Joseph, P., de Veslud, C. Le Carlier, Solleuz, A. Le

Migration of a synclinal depocentre from turbidite growth strata: the Annot syncline, SE France (Article de journal)

Dans: Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, vol. 182, no. 3, p. 199–220, 2011.

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Backert, N., Ford, M., Malartre, F.

Architecture and sedimentology of the Kerinitis Gilbert-type fan delta. Corinth Rift, Greece (Article de journal)

Dans: Sedimentology, vol. 57, no. 2, p. 543–586, 2009.

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Bourgeois, O., Ford, M., Diraison, M., de Veslud, C. Le Carlier, Gerbault, M., Pik, R., Ruby, N., Bonnet, S.

Separation of rifting and lithospheric folding signatures in the NW-Alpine foreland (Article de journal)

Dans: International Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 96, p. 1003–1031, 2007.

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Ford, M., de Veslud, C. Le Carlier, Bourgeois, O.

Kinematic and geometric analysis of fault-related folds in a rift setting: The Dannemarie basin, Upper Rhine Graben, France (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 29, no. 11, p. 1811–1830, 2007.

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Rohais, S., Eschard, R., Ford, M., Guillocheau, F., Moretti, I.

Stratigraphic architecture of the Plio-Pleistocene infill of the Corinth Rift: Implications for its structural evolution (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonophysics, vol. 440, no. 1-4, p. 5–28, 2007.

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Ford, M., Duch^ene, S., Gasquet, D., Vanderhaeghe, O.

Two-phase orogenic convergence in the external and internal SW Alps (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of the Geological Society, London, vol. 163, p. 815–826, 2006.

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de Veslud, C. Le Carlier, Bourgeois, O., Diraison, M., Ford, M.

3D stratigraphic and structural synthesis of the Dannemarie basin (Upper Rhine Graben) (Article de journal)

Dans: Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, vol. 176, no. 5, p. 433–442, 2005.



Ford, M.

Depositional wedge tops: interaction between low basal friction external orogenic wedges and flexural foreland basins (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, vol. 16, p. 361–375, 2004.

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Ford, M.

The significance of growth structures in foreland basin development (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, vol. 16, p. 361–375, 2004.


Malartre, F., Ford, M., Williams, E. A.

Preliminary biostratigraphy and 3D geometry of the Vouraikos Gilbert-type fan delta, Gulf of Corinth (Greece) (Article de journal)

Dans: Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, vol. 336, no. 4-5, p. 269–280, 2004.

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Lickorish, W. H., Ford, M., Bürgisser, J., Cobbold, P. R.

Arcuate thrust systems in sandbox experiments: a comparison to the external arcs of the Western Alps (Article de journal)

Dans: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 114, no. 9, p. 1189-1107, 2002.



Diraison, M., Nivi`ere, B., de Veslud, C. Le Carlier, Winter, T., Ford, M.

Cenozoic-Pleistocene alpine signatures in the southern Upper Rhine Graben. In: (un)Coupled.Continental collision and the tectono-sedimentary evolution of forelands: mechanics of coupling and far-field deformation 45 (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of the Czech Geological Society, p. 221–222, 2000.



Ford, M., Lickorish, W. H., Kusznir, N. J.

Tertiary foreland basin evolution in the southern Subalpine chains SE France basin (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, 1999.


Seward, D., Ford, M., Williams, E. A., Meckel, L. D., Bürgisser, J.

Preliminary report on fission track studies in the Pelvoux area, SE France (Article de journal)

Dans: Memorie di Scienze Geologiche (Université de Padoue), vol. 51, no. 1, p. 25–31, 1999.



Bürgisser, J., Ford, M.

Overthrust shear deformation of a foreland basin : structural studies south-east of the Pelvoux massif, SE France (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 20, no. 11, p. 1455–1475, 1998.

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Lickorish, W. H., Ford, M.

Sequential restoration of the Southern Subalpine Chain, SE France : implications for late Alpine tectonics (Article de journal)

Dans: Geological Society of London Special Publication, vol. 134, p. 189–211, 1998.


Williams, E. A., Artoni, A., Ford, M., Vergés, J.

Alluvial gravel sedimentation in a contractional growth fold setting, Sant Llorenç de Morunys, South-eastern Pyrenees (Article de journal)

Dans: Geological Society of London Special Publication, vol. 134, p. 69–106, 1998.



Ford, M., Williams, E. A., Artoni, A., Vergés, J., Hardy, S.

Progressive evolution of a fault propagation fold pair as recorded by growth strata geometries (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 19, no. 3-4, p. 413–441, 1997.

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Hardy, S., Ford, M.

Thishear above a propagating thrust : implications for fault propagation folding (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 16, no. 5, p. 841–854, 1997.


Williams, E. A., Ford, M., Stössel, I., Sergeev, S. A.

An Eifelian U-Pb zircon date for the Enagh Tuff Bed from the Old Sandstone of the Munster Basin in NW Iveragh, SW Ireland (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 154, p. 189–193, 1997.

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