Mes recherches ont pour principal objectif de mieux comprendre les interactions complexes entre tectonique, climat et processus de surface (dénudation/sédimentation). Mon approche est pluri-disciplinaire (magnétostratigrpahie, nucléides cosmogéniques, tectonique…) et a pour but d’établir des bilans dynamiques et quantitatifs intégrant l’ensemble des facteurs mis en jeu. Il est en particulier fondamental d’améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes contrôlant la dénudation continentale, non seulement parce que via son action sur l’isostasie elle peut entretenir des rétroactions fortes avec la tectonique mais aussi parce que ce paramètre est l’un des forçages impliqué dans la régulation du climat sur des échelles de temps de 105 à 106 années. En particulier, la nature et l’ampleur des interactions entre dénudation et climat lors de l’installation des glaciations Quaternaire restent controversées et empêche une bonne compréhension de la dynamique de le Terre à cette période. Une partie importante des mes travaux de recherches visent donc à quantifier les taux de dénudation au cours du Quaternaire.
Tectonique, climat, dénudation, sédimentation, magnétostratigraphie, nucléide cosmogéniques, déformation
15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy – France
Déroulement de carrière
- Depuis septembre 2022: Professeur des universités
- 2017- 2022: Maître de conférences HDR- CRPG/ENSG/ Université de Lorraine
- 2008-2017: Maître de conférences – CRPG/ENSG/ Université de Lorraine
- 2008: Postdoct – California Institute of Technology
- 2007: Postdoct – Indiana University
- 2005-2006: 1/2 ATER-ISTO/Université d’Orléans
- 2002-2005: doctorat et monitorat- ISTO/Université d’Orléans
- 2017: Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches – Université de Lorraine
- 2002-2005: Thèse – ISTO/Université d’Orléans
- 2001-2002 : E.A Dynamique de la Lithosphère : des marges océaniques aux chaînes de montagnes – Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
- 1999-2002 : Magistère Inter-universitaire des Sciences de la Terre de Paris– Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris
- 1999-2001 : Licence et maîtrise de géophysique – Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris – Université Paris-sud
- 1997-1999:DEUG Sciences de la Terre – Université de Poitiers
- 1996-1997: Baccalauréat scientifique – Lycée Jean Moulin, Montmorillon (86)
- Géologie Structurale
- Terrain de cartographie
- Systèmes d’Information Géographiques (SIG)
- Paléomagnétisme
- Processus d’érosion
46. Regard, V., Carretier, S., Moquet, J., Choy, S., Blard, P.-H., Bogning, S., Mbonda, A. P., Mambela, E., Paiz, M. C., Séranne, M., Charreau, J., Rouby, D., Bouchez, J., Gaillardet, J., Braun, J.-J., & Denèle, Y. (2025). Contrasting physical erosion rates in cratonic catchments : The Ogoou ´ e and Mbei rivers , Western Central Africa. 138(November 2024), 192–209.
45. Feng Li, Xuhua Shi, Julien Charreau, Xiaogan Cheng, Rong Yang, Hanlin Chen, Jinghan Wang (2024), Geomorphic expression of transverse drainages across the Tugerming anticline, southern Tian Shan: Implications for the river-fold interaction in the foreland, Journal of Structural Geology, 180, 105081.
44. Legrain, E., Blard, P.-H., Kageyama, M., Charreau, J., Leduc, G., Bourdin, S., Bekaert, D. V. (2023), Moisture amplification of the high-altitude deglacial warming. Quat. Sci. Rev. 318, 108303.
43. Li, F., Cheng, X., Chen, H., Shi, X., Li, Y., Charreau, J., Weldon, R. (2023), Cenozoic Shortening and Propagation in the Eastern Kuqa Fold-And-Thrust Belt, South Tian Shan, NW China. Tectonics 42, 0–22.
42. Tachambalath, A. P., France-Lanord, C., Galy, A., Rigaudier, T., Charreau, J. (2023), Data report: major and trace element composition of silicates and carbonates from Bengal Fan sediments, IODP Expedition 354, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 354.
41. Charreau J., Pierre-Henri Blard, Jérôme Lavé, Stéphane Dominguez and Wang Sheng li (2023), Unsteady topography in Central Asia due to imbalance between denudation and crustal thickening, Tectonophysics, Tectonophysics, 848, p. 229702, 2023.
40. Delcaillau, B., Graveleau, F., Saint-Carlier, D., Rao, G., Béon, M. Le, Charreau, J., Nexer, M. (2022), Geomorphic analysis of active fold growth and landscape evolution in the central Qiulitage fold belt, southern Tian Shan, China (Article de journal), Geomorphology, vol. 398, p. 108063.
39. Legrain, E., Blard, P. H., Charreau, J. (2022), Glacial equilibrium line–based relationship for paleoclimate reconstructions (Sierra Nevada, USA) (Article de journal), Quaternary Research, p. 1–12.
38. Dasari, S., Paris, G., Charreau, J., Savarino, J. (2022), Sulfur-isotope anomalies recorded in Antarctic ice cores as a potential proxy for tracing past ozone layer depletion events (Article de journal), PNAS Nexus, vol. 1, p. 1–9.
37. Wang, S., Chen, Y., Charreau, J., Li, Y., Chen, Z., Zhu, G., Xu, H., Li, C., & Wang, L. (2021). Underthrusting of the Tarim Lithosphere Beneath the Western Kunlun Range, Insights From Seismic Profiling Evidence. Tectonics, 40(2), 1–18.
36. Crémades, A., Ford, M., Charreau, J. (2021), Evidence of decoupled deformation during Jurassic rifting and Cenozoic inversion phases in the salt-rich Corbi`eres-Languedoc Transfer Zone (Pyreneo-Provençal orogen, France) (Article de journal), BSGF- Earth Sciences Bulletin, vol. 192, no. 37.
35. Hemelsdaël, R., Charreau, J., Ford, M., Proborukmi, M. S., Malartre, F., Urban, B., Blard, P. H. (2021), Tectono-climatic controls of the early rift alluvial succession: Plio-Pleistocene Corinth Rift (Greece), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 576, p. 110507.
34. Mariotti, A., Blard, P.-H., Charreau, J., Toucanne S., Jorry S., Molliex S., Bourlès D., Aumaître G. and Keddadouche K. (2021). Nonlinear forcing of climate on mountain denudation during glaciations, Nature Geoscience, volume 14, pages16–22.
33. Charreau, J., Lavé, J., France-Lanord, C., Puchol, N., Blard, P. H., Pik, R., et al. (2020). A 6 Ma record of palaeodenudation in the central Himalayas from in situ cosmogenic 10 Be in the Surai section. Basin Research, , 1–22.
32. Charreau, J., Sartégou, A., Saint-Carlier, D., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H., Dominguez, S., et al. (2020). Late Miocene to Quaternary slip history across the Qiulitag anticline in the southern Tianshan piedmont. Terra Nova, 32, 89–96.
31. Litty, C., Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Pik, R., & Nomade, S. (2020). Spatial variability of Quaternary denudation rates across a volcanic ocean island (Santo Antão, Cape Verde) from cosmogenic 3He. Geomorphology, 375, 107557.
30. Martin, L. C. P., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Jomelli, V., Charreau, J., Condom, T., et al. (2020). Antarctic-like temperature variations in the Tropical Andes recorded by glaciers and lakes during the last deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 247, 106542.
29. Charreau, J., Blard, P.-H., Zumaque, J., Martin, L.C.P., Delobel, T., Szafran, L., (2019), Basinga: A cell-by-cell GIS toolbox for computing basin average scaling factors, cosmogenic production rates and denudation rates. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 44, 2349–2365.
28. Charreau, J., Sartégou, A., Saint-Carlier, D., Lavé, J., Blard, P.-H., Dominguez, S., Wang, S.L., Rao, G., ASTER, T., 2019b. Late Miocene to Quaternary slip history across the Qiulitag anticline in the southern Tianshan piedmont. Terra Nov. In press.
27. Mariotti, A., Blard, P.-H., Charreau, J., Petit, C., Molliex, S., ASTER, T., (2019), Denudation systematics inferred from in situ cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in fine (50–100 μm) and medium (100–250 μm) sediments of the Var River basin, southern French Alps. Earth Surf. Dyn. vol. 7, p. 1059–1074.
26. Charreau, J., Saint-Carlier, D., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Blard, P. H., Avouac, J. P., et al. (2018). Late Pleistocene acceleration of deformation across the northern Tianshan piedmont (China) evidenced from the morpho-tectonic evolution of the Dushanzi anticline. Tectonophysics, 730, 132–140.
25. Martins, L., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Condom, T., Prémaillon, M., Jomelli, V., Brunstein, D., Lupker, M., Charreau, J., Mariotti, V., Tibari, B., Team., ASTER, Davy, E, (2018). Lake Tauca highstand (Heinrich Stadial 1a) driven by a southward shift of the Bolivian High. Science Advances, 4.
24. Charreau, J., Saint-Carlier, D., Dominguez, S., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H., Avouac, J. P., et al. (2017). Denudation outpaced by crustal thickening in the eastern Tianshan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 479, 179–191.
23. Malatesta, L. C., Avouac, J. P., Brown, N. D., Breitenbach, S. F. M., Pan, J., Chevalier, M. L., Rhodes, E., Saint-Carlier, D., Zhang, W., Charreau, J., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H., (2017). Lag and mixing during sediment transfer across the Tian Shan piedmont caused by climate-driven aggradation-incision cycles. Basin Research, .
22. Puchol, N., Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Pik, R., et al. (2017). Limited impact of Quaternary glaciations on denudation rates in Central Asia. GSA Bulletin, 129(3-4), 479–499.
21. Saint-Carlier, D., Charreau, J., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H., Dominguez, S., Avouac, J. P., et al. (2016). Major temporal variations in shortening rate absorbed along a large active fold of the southeastern Tianshan piedmont (China). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 434, 333–348.
20. Martin, L. C. P., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Braucher, R., Lupker, M., Condom, T., Charreau, J., Mariotti, V., Team., ASTER, Davy, E. (2015). In situ cosmogenic 10 Be production rate in the High Tropical Andes. Quaternary Geochronology, 30, 54–68.
19. Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Farley, K. A., Ramirez, V., Jimenez, N., Martin, L. C. P., Charreau, J., Tibari, B., Fornari, M. (2014), Progressive glacial retreat in the Southern Altiplano (Uturuncu volcano, 22°S) between 65 and 14 ka constrained by cosmogenic 3 He dating. Quaternary Science Reviews, 82, 209–221.
18. Wack, M. R., Gilder, S. A., Macaulay, E. A., Sobel, E. R., Charreau, J., & Mikolaichuk, A. (2014). Cenozoic magnetostratigraphy and magnetic properties of the southern Issyk-Kul basin, Kyrgyzstan. Tectonophysics, 629, 14–26.
17. Lallier, F., Antoine, C., Charreau, J., & Caumon, G. (2013). Management of ambiguities in magnetostratigraphic correlation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, , 26–36.
16. Wang, S. L., Chen, Y., Charreau, J., Wei, D. T., & Jia, D. (2013). Tectono-stratigraphic history of the southern Junggar basin : Seismic profiling evidences. Terra Nova, 25(490), 495.
15. Charreau, J., Kent-Corson, M. L., Barrier, L., Augier, R., Ritts, B. D., Chen, Y., et al. (2012). A high-resolution stable isotopic record from the Junggar Basin (NW China): Implications for the paleotopographic evolution of the Tianshan Mountains. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 341-344, 158–169.
14. Lupker, M., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., France-Lanord, C., Leanni, L., Puchol, N., Charreau, J., Bourlès, D. (2012), 10Be-derived Himalayan denudation rates and sediment budgets in the Ganga basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 333-334, 146–156.
13. Puchol, N., Blard, P. H., Charreau, J., & Pik, R. (2012). Les nucléides cosmogéniques : traceurs à haute résolution des taux d’érosion au cours du temps. Géochronique, (124), 19–21.
12. Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Puchol, N., Avouac, J. P., Lallier-Vergès, E., Bourlès, D., et al. (2011). Paleo-erosion rates in Central Asia since 9 Ma: A transient increase at the onset of Quaternary glaciations? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304(1-2), 85–92.
11. Jolivet, M., Dominguez, S., Charreau, J., Chen, Y., Li, Y., & Wang, Q. (2010). Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic history of the central Chinese Tian Shan: Reactivated tectonic structures and active deformation. Tectonics, 29(TC6019), 1–30.
10. Charreau, J., Chen, Y., Gilder, S., Barrier, L., Dominguez, S., Augier, R., et al. (2009). Neogene uplift pulses of the Tianshan mountains observed in the magnetic record of the Jingou River section (Northwest China). Tectonics, 28, TC2008.
9. Charreau, J., Gumiaux, C., Avouac, J. P., Augier, R., Chen, Y., Barrier, L., et al. (2009). The Neogene Xiyu Formation, a diachronous prograding gravel wedge at front of the Tianshan: Climatic and tectonic implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287, 298–310.
8. Charreau J., Chen, Y., Gilder, S., and Barier, L., (2008), Comment on “Magnetostratigraphic study of the Kuche Depression, Tarim Basin, and Cenozoic uplift of the Tian Shan Range, Western China” Baochun Huang, John DA Piper, Shoutao Peng, Tao Liu, Zhong Li, Qingchen Wang, Rixiang Zhu [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2006, doi : 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.09.020]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 268, 325-329.
7. Charreau J., Sun, J. M., Chen, Y., Gilder, S., Huang, B. C., and Wang, Q. C., (2008), Late Cenozoic magnetochronology and paleoenvironmental changes in the northern foreland basin of the Tian Shan Mountains (vol 113, art no B06103, 2008). Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 113.
6. Charreau J., Avouac, J. P., Chen, Y., Dominguez, S., and Gilder, S. (2008), Miocene to present kinematics of fault-bend folding across the Huerguosi anticline, northern Tianshan (China), derived from structural, seismic, and magnetostratigraphic data. Geology 36, 871-874.
5. Courboulex F., Larroque, C., Deschamps, A., Kohrs-Sansorny, C., Gelis, C., Got, J. L., Charreau, J., Stephan, J. F., Bethoux, N., Virieux, J., Brunel, D., Maron, C., Duval, A. M., Perez, L., and Mondielli, P. (2007), Seismic hazard on the French Riviera : observations, interpretations and simulations. Geophysical Journal International 170, 387-400.
4. Daeron M., Avouac, J. P., and Charreau, J. (2007), Modeling the shortening history of a fault tip fold using structural and geomorphic records of deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 112.
3. Charreau J., Gilder, S., Chen, Y., Dominguez, S., Avouac, J. P., Sen, S., Jolivet, M., Li, Y. G., and Wang, W. M. (2006), Magnetostratigraphy of the Yaha section, Tarim Basin (China) : 11 Ma acceleration in erosion and uplift of the Tian Shan mountains. Geology 34, 181-184.
2. Charreau J., Chen, Y., Gilder, S., Dominguez, S., Avouac, J. P., Sen, S., Sun, D. J., Li, Y. G., and Wang, W. M., (2005), Magnetostratigraphy and rock magnetism of the Neogene Kuitun He section (northwest China) : implications for Late Cenozoic uplift of the Tianshan mountains. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 230, 177-192.
1. Courboulex F., Larroque, C., Deschamps, A., Gelis, C., Charreau, J., and Stephan, J. F., 2003. An unknown active fault revealed by microseismicity in the south-east of France. Geophysical Research Letters 30.