Michel Champenois
Fonction : Ingénieur d’Études CNRS - Chargé de communication
Coordonnées :

15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy – France

Téléphone : +33 (0)3 83 59 42 36


Colas, F., Zanda, B., Bouley, S., (...).,, Champenois, M., Shengold, L.

FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids (Article de journal)

Dans: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 644, no. A53, 2020.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)


Rollion-Bard, C., Mangin, D., Champenois, M.

Development and applications of oxygen and carbon isotopic measurements of biogenic carbonates by ion microprobe (Article de journal)

Dans: Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 39–50, 2007.

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Vielzeuf, D., Champenois, M., Valley, J. W., Brunet, F., Devidal, J. L.

SIMS analyses of oxygen isotopes: Matrix effects in Fe-Mg-Ca garnets (Article de journal)

Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 223, no. 4, p. 208–226, 2005.

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Behrens, H., Ohlhorst, S., Holtz, F., Champenois, M.

CO2 solubility in dacitic melts equilibrated with H2O-CO2 fluids: implications for modeling the solubility CO2 in silicic melts (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 68, no. 22, p. 4687–4703, 2004.

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Bruguier, O., Becq-Giraudon, J. F., Champenois, M., Deloule, E., Ludden, J., Mangin, D.

Application of in situ zircon geochronology and accessory phase chemistry to constraining basin development during post-collisional extension: a case study from the French Massif Central (Article de journal)

Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 201, no. 3-4, p. 319–336, 2003.

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Aléon, J., Chaussidon, M., Champenois, M., Mangin, D., Carignan, J. (E. ).

Quantitative imaging of stables isotopes by ion microprobe (Article de journal)

Dans: Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 25, no. 2-3, p. 417–429, 2001.

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Aill`eres, L., Bertrand, J. M., Macaudi`ere, J., Champenois, M.

Structure de la zone houill`ere briançonnaise (Alpes françaises), tectonique néoalpine et conséquences sur ltextquoterightinterprétation des Zones Penniques frontales (Article de journal)

Dans: Comptes Rendus de ltextquoterightAcadémie des Sciences, série II, vol. 321, p. 247–254, 1995.



Aill`eres, L., Champenois, M.

Refinements to the Fry method (1979) using image processing (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 16, no. 9, p. 1327–1330, 1994.


Zartarian, F., Mustin, C., Bottero, J. Y., Villemin, G., Thomas, F., Aill`eres, L., Champenois, M., Grulois, P., Manem, J.

Spatial arrangement of the components of activated sludge flocs (Article de journal)

Dans: Water Science and Technology, vol. 30, p. 243–250, 1994.



Boullier, A. M., France-Lanord, C., Dubessy, J., Adamy, J., Champenois, M.

Linked fluid and tectonic evolution in the High Himalaya mountains (Nepal) (Article de journal)

Dans: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 107, p. 358–372, 1991.



Champenois, M.

Quantifier la déformation dtextquoterightune roche (Article de journal)

Dans: Courrier du CNRS, no. 76, p. 95, 1990.



Lapique, F., Champenois, M., Cheilletz, A.

Un analyseur vidéographique interactif : description et applications (Article de journal)

Dans: Bulletin de Minéralogie, vol. 111, p. 679–687, 1988.



Champenois, M., Boullier, A. M., Sautter, V., Wright, L. I., Barbey, P.

Tectonometamorphic evolution of the gneissic Kidal assemblage related to the Pan-African thrust tectonics (Adrar des Iforas, Mali) (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 19–27, 1986.
