Pierre-Henri Blard
Fonction : Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Coordonnées :

15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy – France

Téléphone : +33 (0)3 83 59 42 23
Bureau : 205


Seltzer, A. M., Blard, P. H., Sherwood, S. C., Kageyama, M.

Terrestrial amplification of past, present, and future climate change (Article de journal)

Dans: Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 9, p. eadf8119, 2023.

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Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Li, W. S.

Unsteady topography in the eastern Tianshan due to imbalance between denudation and crustal thickening (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonophysics, vol. 848, p. 229702, 2023.

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Blard, P. H., Protin, M., Tison, J. L., Fripiat, F., Dahl-Jensen, D., Steffensen, J. P., Mahaney, W. C., Bierman, P. R., Christ, A. J., Corbett, L. B., Debaille, V., Rigaudier, T., Claeys, P., Team., ASTER

Basal debris of the NEEM ice core, Greenland: a window into sub-ice-sheet geology, basal ice processes and ice-sheet oscillations (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Glaciology, vol. 614, p. 1–19, 2023.

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Bekaert, D. V., Blard, P. H., Raoult, Y., Pik, R., Kipfer, R., Seltzer, A. M., Legrain, E., Marty, B.

Last glacial maximum cooling of 9 textdegreeC in continental Europe from a 40 kyr-long noble gas paleothermometry record (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 310, p. 108123, 2023.

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Charton, J., Schimmelpfennig, I., Jomelli, V., Delpech, G., Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Verfaille, D., Favier, V., Rinterknecht, V., Goosse, H., Crosta, X., Chassiot, L., Martin, L., Guillaume, D., Legentil, C.

New cosmogenic nuclide constraints on Late Glacial and Holocene glacier fluctuations in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean (Kerguelen Islands, 49-S) (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Review, vol. 283, p. 107461, 2022.

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Defourny, A., Blard, P. H., Zimmermann, L., Jobé, P., Collignon, A., Nguyen, F., Dassargues, A.

CO2/3He ratios reveal the presence of mantle gas in the CO2-rich groundwaters of the Ardenne massif (Spa, Belgium) (Article de journal)

Dans: Hydrology and Earth Systems Science, 2022.

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Jomelli, V., Swingedouw, D., Vuille, M., Favier, V., Goehring, B., Shakun, J., Braucher, R., Schimmelpfennig, I., Menviel, L., Rabatel, A., Martin, L. C. P., Blard, P. H., Condom, T., Lupker, M., Christl, M., Verfaillie, D., Gorin, A., Auma^itre, G., Bourl`es, D., douche Keddadouche, K.

In-phase millennial-scale glacier changes in the tropics and North Atlantic regions during the Holocene (Article de journal)

Dans: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1419, 2022.

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Legrain, E., Blard, P. H., Charreau, J.

Glacial equilibrium line--based relationship for paleoclimate reconstructions (Sierra Nevada, USA) (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Research, p. 1–12, 2022.

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Zerathe, S., Litty, C., Blard, P. H., Delgado, F., Audin, L., Carcaillet, J., Team., ASTER

Cosmogenic 3He and 10Be denudation rates in the Central Andes: Comparison with a natural sediment trap over the last 18 ka (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 599, p. 117869, 2022.

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Capelle, S. I., Moreau, M., Karmali, R., Iconaru, L., Baleanu, F., Kinnard, V., Paesmans, M., Rozenberg, S., Rubinstein, M., Surquin, M., Blard, P. H., Chapurlat, R., Body, J. J., Bergmann, P.

Discriminating value of HR-pQCT for fractures in women with similar FRAX scores: A substudy of the FRISBEE cohort (Article de journal)

Dans: Bone, 2021.

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Hemelsda"el, R., Charreau, J., Ford, M., Proborukmi, M. S., Malartre, F., Urban, B., Blard, P. H.

Tectono-climatic controls of the early rift alluvial succession: Plio-Pleistocene Corinth Rift (Greece) (Article de journal)

Dans: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 576, p. 110507, 2021.

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Mariotti, A., Blard, P. H., Charreau, J., Toucanne, S., Jorry, S. J., Molliex, S., Bourl`es, D. L., Auma^itre, G., Keddadouche, K.

Nonlinear forcing of climate on mountain denudation during glaciations (Article de journal)

Dans: Nature Geoscience, vol. 14, p. 16–22, 2021.

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Molliex, S., Jouet, G., Blard, P. H., Moreau, J., Demartini, J. Storms, Vella, C., Team., Aster

Quaternary evolution of the Golo river alluvial plain (NE Corsica, France) (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 61, p. 101115, 2021.

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Blahut, J., Mitrovic-Woodell, I., Baron, I., René, M., Rowberry, M., Blard, P. H., Hartvich, F. Balek, Meletlidis, S.

Volcanic edifice slip events recorded on the fault plane of the San Andrés Landslide, El Hierro, Canary Islands (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonophysics, vol. 776, p. 228317, 2020.

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Charreau, J., Lavé, J., France-Lanord, C., Puchol, N., Blard, P. H., Pik, R., Gajurel, A. P., Team., ASTER

A 6 Ma record of palaeodenudation in the central Himalayas from in situ cosmogenic 10 Be in the Surai section (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, p. 1–22, 2020.

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Charreau, J., Sartégou, A., Saint-Carlier, D., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H., Dominguez, S., Wang, S. Li, Rao, G., Team., ASTER

Late Miocene to Quaternary slip history across the Qiulitag anticline in the southern Tianshan piedmont (Article de journal)

Dans: Terra Nova, vol. 32, p. 89–96, 2020.

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Litty, C., Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Pik, R., Nomade, S.

Spatial variability of Quaternary denudation rates across a volcanic ocean island (Santo Ant~ao, Cape Verde) from cosmogenic 3He (Article de journal)

Dans: Geomorphology, vol. 375, p. 107557, 2020.

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Martin, L. C. P., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Jomelli, V., Charreau, J., Condom, T., Lupker, M.

Antarctic-like temperature variations in the Tropical Andes recorded by glaciers and lakes during the last deglaciation (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 247, p. 106542, 2020.

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Sartégou, A., Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Bourl`es, D. L., Sorriaux, P., Zimmermann, L., Laffitte, A., Tibari, B., Leanni, L., Guillou, V., Bourdet, A., team., ASTER

Late Cenozoic evolution of the Ari`ege River valley (Pyrenees) constrained by cosmogenic 26Al/10Be and 10Be/21Ne dating of cave sediments (Article de journal)

Dans: Geomorphology, vol. 371, p. 107441, 2020.

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Balco, G., Blard, P. H., Shuster, D. L., Stone, J. O. H., Zimmermann, L.

Cosmogenic and nucleogenic 21Ne in quartz in a 28-meter sandstone core from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 52, p. 63–76, 2019.

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Blard, P. H., Lupker, M., Rousseau, M.

Paired-cosmogenic nuclide paleoaltimetry (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 515, p. 271–282, 2019.

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Blard, P. H., Lupker, M., Rousseau, M., Tesson, J.

Two MATLAB programs for computing paleo-elevations and burial ages from paired-cosmogenic nuclides (Article de journal)

Dans: MethodsX, vol. 6, p. 1547–1556, 2019.

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Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Zumaque, J., Martin, L. C. P., Delobel, T., Szafran, L.

Basinga: A cell-by-cell GIS toolbox for computing basin average scaling factors, cosmogenic production rates and denudation rates (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth Surface and Processes and Landforms, vol. 44, p. 2349–2365, 2019.

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Mariotti, A., Blard, P. H., Charreau, J., Petit, C., Molliex, S., Team., ASTER

Denudation systematics inferred from in situ cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in fine (50--100thinspacetextmum) and medium (100--250thinspacetextmum) sediments of the Var River basin, southern French Alps (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth Surface Dynamics, vol. 7, p. 1059–1074, 2019.

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Zimmermann, L., Blard, P. H.

Four `a induction tout métal `a haute température, destiné `a fondre des échantillons de minéraux et/ou de roches pour ltextquoterightextraction des gaz sous ultravide (brevet FR3056713) (Divers)




Charreau, J., Saint-Carlier, D., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Blard, P. H., Avouac, J. P., Brown, N. D., Malatesta, L. C., Shengli, W., Rhodes, E. J.

Late Pleistocene acceleration of deformation across the northern Tianshan piedmont (China) evidenced from the morpho-tectonic evolution of the Dushanzi anticline (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonophysics, vol. 730, p. 132–140, 2018.

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Marechal, A., Ritz, J. F., Ferry, M., Mazzotti, S., Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Saint-Carlier, D.

Active tectonics around the Yakutat indentor: New geomorphological constraints on the eastern Denali, Totschunda and Duke River Faults (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 482, p. 71–80, 2018.

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Martins, L., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Condom, T., Prémaillon, M., Jomelli, V., Brunstein, D., Lupker, M., Charreau, J., Mariotti, V., Tibari, B., Team., ASTER, Davy, E.

Lake Tauca highstand (Heinrich Stadial 1a) driven by a southward shift of the Bolivian High (Article de journal)

Dans: Science Advances, vol. 4, 2018.

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Sartégou, A., Bourl`es, D. L., Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Tibari, B., Zimmermann, L., Leanni, L., Team., ASTER, Auma^itre, G., Keddadouche, K.

Deciphering landscape evolution with karstic networks: A Pyrenean case study (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 43, p. 12–29, 2018.

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Stuart, F., Blard, P. H., Caracausi, A., Hilton, D.

Dr. Pete Burnard (1965-2015) (Article de journal)

Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 480, p. 1–2, 2018.


Zimmermann, L., Avice, G., Blard, P. H., Marty, B., Füri, E., Burnard, P. G.

A new all-metal induction furnace for noble gas extraction (Article de journal)

Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 480, p. 86–92, 2018.

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Charreau, J., Saint-Carlier, D., Dominguez, S., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H., Avouac, J. P., Jolivet, M., Chen, Y., Wang, S. L., Brown, N. D., Malatesta, L. C., Rhodes, E., Team, ASTER

Denudation outpaced by crustal thickening in the eastern Tianshan (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 479, p. 179–191, 2017.

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Jomelli, V., Martin, L., Blard, P. H., Favier, V., Vuillé, M., Ceballos, J. L.

Revisiting the Andean tropical glacier behavior during the Antarctic cold reversal (Article de journal)

Dans: Cuadernos de Investigacion de Geografica, no. 43(2), p. 629–648, 2017.


Malatesta, L. C., Avouac, J. P., Brown, N. D., Breitenbach, S. F. M., Pan, J., Chevalier, M. L., Rhodes, E., Saint-Carlier, D., Zhang, W., Charreau, J., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H.

Lag and mixing during sediment transfer across the Tian Shan piedmont caused by climate-driven aggradation-incision cycles (Article de journal)

Dans: Basin Research, vol. 30, no. 4, p. 613–635, 2017.

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Martin, L. C. P., Blard, P. H., Balco, G., Lavé, J., Delunel, R., Lifton, N., Laurent, V.

The CREp program and the ICE-D production rate calibration database: A fully parameterizable and updated online tool to compute cosmic- ray exposure ages (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 38, p. 25–49, 2017.

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Puchol, N., Blard, P. H., Pik, R., Tibari, B., Lavé, J.

Variability of magmatic and cosmogenic 3 He in Ethiopian river sands of detrital pyroxenes: Impact on denudation rate determinations (Article de journal)

Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 448, p. 13–25, 2017.

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Puchol, N., Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Pik, R., Saint-Carlier, D., Team, ASTER

Limited impact of Quaternary glaciations on denudation rates in Central Asia (Article de journal)

Dans: GSA Bulletin, vol. 129, no. 3-4, p. 479–499, 2017.

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Zerathe, S., Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Bourl`es, D. L., Audin, L., Carcaillet, J., Delgado, F., Benavente, C., Team, ASTER

Toward the feldspar alternative for cosmogenic 10 Be applications (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 41, p. 83–96, 2017.

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Blard, P. H., Leduc, G., Glasser, N.

Climate science: The history of Greenlandtextquoterights ice (Article de journal)

Dans: Nature, vol. 540, no. 7632, p. 202–203, 2016.


Delunel, R., Blard, P. H., Martin, L. C. P., Nomade, S., Sclunegger, F.

Long term low latitude and high elevation cosmogenic 3He production rate inferred from a 107 ka-old lava flow in northern Chile; 22textdegreeS-3400 m a.s.l. (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 184, no. 71-87, 2016.

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Medynski, S., Pik, R., Burnard, P., Dumont, S., Grandin, R., Williams, A., Blard, P. H., Schimmelpfennig, I., Vye-Brown, C., France, L., Ayalew, D., Benedetti, L., Yirgu, G., team, ASTER

Magmatic cycles pace tectonic and morphological expression of rifting (Afar depression, Ethiopia) (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 446, p. 77–88, 2016.

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Protin, M., Blard, P. H., Marrocchi, Y., Mathon, F.

Irreversible adsorption of atmospheric helium on olivine: A lobster pot analogy (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 179, p. 76–88, 2016.

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Ritz, J. F., Avagyan, A., Mkrtchyan, M., Nazari, H., Blard, P. H., Karakhanian, A., Philip, H., Balescu, S., Mahan, S., Huot, S., Münch, P., Lamothe, M.

Active tectonics within the NW and SE extensions of the Pambak- Sevan-Syunik fault: Implications for the present geodynamics of Armenia (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary International, vol. 395, p. 61–78, 2016.

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Saint-Carlier, D., Charreau, J., Lavé, J., Blard, P. H., Dominguez, S., Avouac, J. P., Shenli, W., Team, ASTER

Major temporal variations in shortening rate absorbed along a large active fold of the southeastern Tianshan piedmont (China) (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 434, p. 333–348, 2016.

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Schaefer, J. M., Winckler, G., Blard, P. H., Balco, G., Shuster, D. L., Friedrich, R., Jull, A. J. T., Wieler, R., Schluechter, C.

Performance of CRONUS-P ?Ĭ A pyroxene reference material for helium isotope analysis (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 31, p. 237–239, 2016.

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Blard, P. H., Balco, G., Burnard, P. G., Farley, K., Fenton, C. R., Friedrich, R., Jull, A. J. T., Niedermann, S., Pik, R., Schaefer, J. M., Scott, E. M., Shuster, D. L., Stuart, F. M., Stute, M., Tibari, B., Winckler, G., Zimmermann, L.

An inter-laboratory comparison of cosmogenic 3 He and radiogenic 4 He in the CRONUS-P pyroxene standard (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 26, p. 11–19, 2015.

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Martin, L. C. P., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Braucher, R., Lupker, M., Condom, T., Charreau, J., Mariotti, V., Team., ASTER, Davy, E.

In situ cosmogenic 10 Be production rate in the High Tropical Andes (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 30, p. 54–68, 2015.

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Vermeesch, P. Pieter, Balco, G., Blard, P. H., Dunai, T. J., Kober, F., Niedermann, S., Shuster, D. L., Strasky, S., Stuart, F. M., Wieler, R., Zimmermann, L.

Interlaboratory comparison of cosmogenic 21 Ne in quartz (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 26, p. 20–28, 2015.

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Quesada, B., Sylvestre, F., Vimeux, F., Black, J., Paill`es, C., Sonzogni, C., Alexandre, A., Blard, P. H., Tonetto, A., Mazur, J. C., Bruneton, H.

Impact of Bolivian paleolake evaporation on the d 18 O of the Andean glaciers during the last deglaciation (18.5 e 11.7 ka): diatom-inferred d 18 O values and hydro-isotopic modeling (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 120, p. 93–106, 2015.

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Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Farley, K. A., Ramirez, V., Jimenez, N., Martin, L. C. P., Charreau, J., Tibari, B., Fornari, M.

Progressive glacial retreat in the Southern Altiplano (Uturuncu volcano, 22textdegreeS) between 65 and 14 ka constrained by cosmogenic 3 He dating (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 82, p. 209–221, 2014.

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Jomelli, V., Favier, V., Vuille, M., Braucher, R., Martin, L. C. P., Blard, P. H., Colose, C., Brunstein, D., He, F., Khodri, M., Bourl`es, D. L., Leanni, L., Rinterknecht, V., Grancher, D., Francou, B., Ceballos, J. L., Fonseca, H., Liu, Z., Otto-Bliesner, B. L.

A major advance of tropical Andean glaciers during the Antarctic cold reversal (Article de journal)

Dans: Nature, vol. 513, p. 224–228, 2014.

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Poujol, A., Ritz, J. F., Tahayt, A., Vernant, P., Condomines, M., Blard, P. H., Billant, J., Vacher, L., Tibari, B., Hni, L., Koulalildrissi, A.

Active tectonics of the Northern Rif (Morocco) from geomorphic and geochronological data (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Geodynamics, vol. 77, p. 70–88, 2014.

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Puchol, N., Lavé, J., Lupker, M., Blard, P. H., Gallo, F., France-Lanord, C., Team., ASTER

Grain-size dependent concentration of cosmogenic 10 Be and erosion dynamics in a landslide-dominated Himalayan watershed (Article de journal)

Dans: Geomorphology, vol. 224, p. 55–68, 2014.

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Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Lavé, J., Bourl`es, D.

Cosmogenic 10Be production rate calibrated against 3He in the high Tropical Andes (3800--4900m, 20--22◦ S) (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 382, p. 140–149, 2013.

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Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Sylvestre, F., Placzek, C. J., Claude, C., Galy, V., Condom, T., Tibari, B.

Cosmogenic 3He production rate in the high tropical Andes (3800m,20◦S): Implications for the local last glacial maximum (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 377-378, p. 260–275, 2013.

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Medynski, S., Pik, R., Burnard, P., Williams, A., Vye-Brown, C., Ferguson, D., Blard, P. H., France, L., Yirgu, G., Seid, J. I., Ayalew, D., Calvert, A.

Controls on magmatic cycles and development of rift topography of the Manda Hararo segment (Afar, Ethiopia):Insights from cosmogenic 3He investigation of landscape evolution (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 367, p. 133–145, 2013.

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Lupker, M., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., France-Lanord, C., Leanni, L., Puchol, N., Charreau, J., Bourl`es, D.

10Be-derived Himalayan denudation rates and sediment budgets in the Ganga basin (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 333-334, p. 146–156, 2012.

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Mabry, J., Burnard, P., Blard, P. H., Zimmermann, L.

Mapping changes in helium sensitivity and peak shape for varying parameters of a Nier-type noble gas ion source (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 27, p. 1012–1017, 2012.

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Puchol, N., Blard, P. H., Charreau, J., Pik, R.

Les nucléides cosmogéniques : traceurs `a haute résolution des taux dtextquoterightérosion au cours du temps (Article de journal)

Dans: Géochronique, no. 124, p. 19–21, 2012.


Zimmermann, L., Blard, P. H., Burnard, P., Medynski, S., Pik, R., Puchol, N.

A New Single Vacuum Furnace Design for Cosmogenic 3He Dating (Article de journal)

Dans: Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, p. 1–9, 2012.

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Blard, P. H., Sylvestre, F., Tripati, A. K., Claude, C., Causse, C., Coudrain, A., Condom, T., Seidel, J. L., Vimeux, F., Moreau, C., Dumoulin, J. P., Lavé, J.

Lake highstands on the Altiplano (Tropical Andes) contemporaneous with Heinrich 1 and the Younger Dryas: new insights from 14C, UeTh dating and d18O of carbonates (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 30, p. 3973–3989, 2011.

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Blard, P. H., Wagnon, P., Rabatel, A.

Les fluctuations des glaciers de montagne, archives des paléoclimats continentaux (Ouvrage)

CNRS Editions, Jeandel, C.; Mossery, R., Paris, 2011.


Charreau, J., Blard, P. H., Puchol, N., Avouac, J. P., Lallier-Verg`es, E., Bourl`es, D., Braucher, R., Gallaud, A., Finkel, R., Jolivet, M., Chen, Y., Roy, P.

Paleo-erosion rates in Central Asia since 9 Ma: A transient increase at the onset of Quaternary glaciations? (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 304, no. 1-2, p. 85–92, 2011.

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Jomelli, V., Khodri, M., Favier, V., Brunstein, D., Ledru, M. P., Wagnon, P., Blard, P. H., Sicart, J. E., Braucher, R., Grancher, D., Bourl`es, D., Braconnot, P., Vuille, M.

Irregular tropical glacier retreat over the Holocene epoch driven by progressive warming (Article de journal)

Dans: Nature, vol. 474, p. 196–199, 2011.


Schimmelpfennig, I., Benedetti, L., Garreta, V., Pik, R., Blard, P. H., Burnard, P. G., Bourl`es, D., Finkel, R., Ammond, K., Dunaigre, C.

Calibration of cosmogenic 36Cl production rates by spallation of Ca and K on in lava flows samples from Mt. Etna ( 38textdegreeN, Italy) and Payun Matru (36textdegreeS, Argentina) (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 75, no. 10, p. 2611–2632, 2011.



Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Farley, K. A., Fornari, M., Jimenez, N., Ramirez, V.

Late local glacial maximum in the Central Altiplano triggered by cold and locally-wet conditions during the paleolake Tauca episode (17--15 ka, Heinrich 1) (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 28, p. 3414–3427, 2009.

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Schimmelpfennig, I., Benedetti, L., Finkel, R., Pik, R., Blard, P. H., Bourles, D., Burnard, P., Williams, A.

Sources of in-situ Cl-36 in basaltic rocks. Implications for calibration of production rates (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 4, no. 6, p. 441–461, 2009, ISSN: 1871-1014.

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Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 251, no. 1-4, p. 20–32, 2008.

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Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Pik, R., Wagnon, P., Bourl`es, D.

Persistence of full glacial conditions in the central Pacific until 15,000 years ago (Article de journal)

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