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Date(s) - 10 mai 2022
13 h 00 min - 14 h 00 min


An integrated approach to landslide hazards assessment at the regional and local scale

Landslides are life-threatening events that can have a great impact on population and infrastructure especially in the mountain areas. These areas are characterized by active development and special conditions for the formation of landslide processes. The analysis of spatio-temporal patterns of mass movement processes confirms the multifactorial nature of their formation, but the priority of each factor depends on the certain circumstances with different combinations of lithological and stratigraphic conditions, tectonic processes, geomorphological structure, and hydrogeological situation. This work presents the results of an integrated approach of landslide hazards assessment in the urban and rural areas. An efficient technique including geological, geomorphological, geophysical surveying for the monitoring of landslide processes and their predicting at the regional and local scale for model sites in the Ukraine has been proposed. Socio-cultural effects on the perception of risk have been investigated to develop more efficient and robust mitigation systems. It was studied the awareness level and expectations of the public about the state programs of landslide prevention and mitigation.