Pierre Bouilhol
OrcidResearch GateScholar
Fonction : Maître de conférences - Université de Lorraine
Domaine(s) de recherche :

Subduction systems

Collisionnal and post-collisionnal systems

Mots clés :

Field work- Petrology – Isotopes

Coordonnées :

15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy – France

Téléphone : +33 (0)3 83 59 42 24
Bureau : 206
  • 2017- actual, Maître de conférences, Université de Lorraine, Nancy (FR)
  • 2016-2017, Research Fellow, LMV, Clermont-Ferrand (FR)
  • 2012-2016, Research Associate, Durham University (UK)
  • 2009-2011, Research Fellow and Associate, MIT (USA)
  • 2005-2008 : Doctor Es Science at ETH Zurich (CH)
  • 2002-2004 : Master in Earth Sciences, Montpellier (FR)
  • 1st Year / S2: Introduction to Petrology
  • 2nd Year / S2: Field Geology (Ardèche, France)
  • 3rd Year / S1: Magmatic Petrology
  • 4th Year / S2: Granite Genesis


Geochemical signatures of forearc serpentinites from oceanic to continental subduction
J Villalobos-Orchard, B Debret, P Bouilhol, R Upadhyay, P Gutiérrez, …
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2024.11.00

Late Ediacaran juvenile magmatism in the Monts-du-Lyonnais metamorphic complex: implications for the pre-Variscan evolution of the French Massif Central
S Couzinié, O Laurent, P Bouilhol, C Chelle-Michou, AC Ganzhorn, …
BSGF, https://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2024023


A felsic meta-igneous source for Li-F-rich peraluminous granites: insights from the Variscan Velay dome (French Massif Central) and implications for rare-metal magmatism
C Ballouard, S Couzinié, P Bouilhol, M Harlaux, J Mercadier, JM Montel
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178 (75): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-023-02057-1

Redox heterogeneities in a subducting slab: Example from the Monviso meta-ophiolite (Western Alps, Italy)
C Courant, B Debret, B Ménez, C Nicollet, P Bouilhol
Lithos; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2023.10


High-pressure synthesis and storage of solid organic compounds in active subduction zones
B Debret, B Menez, B Walter, H Bouquerel, P Bouilhol, N Mattieli, …
Science Advances 8 (37), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo2397

Cambro–Ordovician ferrosilicic magmatism along the northern Gondwana margin: constraints from the Cézarenque–Joyeuse gneiss complex (French Massif Central)
S Couzinié, P Bouilhol, O Laurent, T Grocolas, JM Montel
Earth Sciences Bulletin 15 (https://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2022010)

Dislocation generation in experimentally shocked olivine crystals
JA Tielke, AH Peslier, R Christoffersen, TM Erickson, CJ Cline II, …
JGR Planets, doi: 10.1029/2021JE007042

Eoarchean subduction-like magmatism recorded in 3750 Ma mafic–ultramafic rocks of the Ukaliq supracrustal belt (Québec)
T Grocolas, P Bouilhol, G Caro, SJ Mojzsis
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 177

Decoupling of inorganic and organic carbon during slab mantle devolatilisation
P Bouilhol, B Debret, E Inglis, M Warenbourg, T Grocolas, T Rigaudier, …
Nature Communication doi



Couzinié, S., Bouilhol, P., Laurent, O., Marko, L., & Moyen, J. F. (2021). When zircon drowns: Elusive geochronological record of water-fluxed orthogneiss melting in the Velay dome (Massif Central, France). Lithos, 384-385, 106938.
Debret, B., Garrido, C. J., Pons, J., Bouilhol, P., Inglis, E., Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino, V., et al. (2021). Iron and zinc stable isotope evidence for open-system high-pressure dehydration of antigorite serpentinite in subduction zones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 296, 210–225.


Horn, C., Bouilhol, P., & Skemer, P. (2020). Serpentinization, deformation, and seismic anisotropy in the subduction mantle wedge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems G3, 21(4).


Burg, J. P., & Bouilhol, P. (2019). Timeline of the South-Tibet-Himalayan belt: the geochronological record of subduction, collision, and underthrusting from zircon and monazite U-Pb ages. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(12), 1318–1332.
Couzinié, S., Laurent, O., Chelle-Michou, C., Bouilhol, P., Paquette, J. L., Gannoun A.M., et al. (2019). Detrital zircon U–Pb–Hf systematics of Ediacaran metasediments from the French Massif Central:Consequence Detrital zircon U–Pb–Hf systematics of Ediacaran metasediments from the French Massif Central: Consequences for the crustal evolution of the north Gondwana margin. Precambrian Research, 324, 269–284.
Maunder, B., van Hunen, J., Bouilhol, P., & Magni, V. (2019). Modeling slab temperature: A reevaluation of the thermal parameter. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems G3, 20.


Debret, B., Bouilhol, P., Pons, M. L., & Williams, H. (2018). Carbonate transfer during the Onset of slab devolatilization: New insights from Fe and Zn stable isotopes. Journal of Petrology, 59(6), 1145–1166.
Eeken, T., Goes, S., Pedersen, H. A., Arndt, N., & Bouilhol, P. (2018). Seismic evidence for depth-dependent metasomatism in cratons. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 491, 148–159.
Jagoutz, O., Bouilhol, P., Schaltegger, U., & Müntener, O. (2018). The isotopic evolution of the Kohistan Ladakh arc from subduction initiation to continent arc collision. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 483.
Jolivet, L., Faccenna, C., Becker, R. H., Tesauro, M., Sternai, P., & Bouilhol, P. (2018). Mantle flow and deforming continents:From India-Asia convergence to Pacific subduction. Tectonics, 37, 2887–2814.
Kaislaniemi, L., van Hunen, J., & Bouilhol, P. (2018). Lithosphere destabilization by melt weakening and crust-mantle interactions: Implications for generation of granite-migmatite belts. Tectonics, 37.
Riel, N., Bouilhol, P., Van Hunen, J., Cornet, J., Magni, V., Grigorova, V., et al. (2018). Interaction between mantle-derived magma and lower arc crust: quantitative reactive melt flow modelling using STyx. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 478.


Freeburn, R., Bouilhol, P., Maunder, B., Magni, V., & van Hunen, J. (2017). Numerical models of the magmatic processes induced by slab breakoff. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 203–213.


Autres publications/Other publications


R Freeburn*, P Bouilhol, B Maunder, V Magni, J van Hunen : Numerical models of the magmatic processes induced by slab breakoff. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 478, 203-213

V Magni, MB Allen, J van Hunen, P Bouilhol. Continental underplating after slab break-off Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 59-67

EC Inglis*, B Debret, KW Burton, MA Millet, ML Pons, D Christopher W., P Bouilhol, M Cooper, GM Nowell, A McCoy-West, HM Williams The behaviour of iron and zinc stable isotopes accompanying the subduction of mafic oceanic crust : A case study from Western Alpine Ophiolites . Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, DOI : 10.1002/2016GC006735

S Couzinié*, O Laurent, M Poujol, M Mintrone, C Chelle-Michou, JF Moyen, P Bouilhol, A Vezinet, L Marko. Cadomian S-type granites as basement rocks of the Variscan belt (Massif Central, France) : Implications for the crustal evolution of the north Gondwana margin. Lithos, 16-34


Pons M.-L., Debret B., Bouilhol P., Williams H. : A zinc isotope evidence for sulphate-rich fluid transfer across subduction zones Nature Communications, 7, 13794

Couzinié S.*, Laurent O., Moyen J-F., Zeh A., Bouilhol P., Villaros A : Post-collisional magmatism : Crustal growth not identified by zircon Hf–O isotopesEarth and Planetary Science Letters, 456, 182

Maunder B.*, van-Hunen J., Magni V. Bouilhol P. Relamination of mafic subducting crust throughout Earth’s history Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449, 206

Mohammadi A.*, Burg J.-P., Bouilhol P., Ruh J. : U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of Zahedan and Shah Kuh plutons, southeast Iran : Implication for closure of the South Sistan Suture Zone Lithos, 248, 293

Debret B., Millet M. A., Pons M.L., Bouilhol P., Inglis E., Williams H. : Isotopic evidence for iron mobility during subduction Geology, 44, 215


Bouilhol P., Schmidt M.W, Burg J-P. Magma transfer and evolution in lower arc crust channels : The pyroxenitic feeder pipes of Sapat (Kohistan). Journal of Petrology, 56, 1309

Hunziker D.*, Burg J-P., Bouilhol P., Von Quadt A. Jurassic rifting at the Eurasian Tethys margin : Geochemical and geochronological constraints from granitoids of North Makran, SE Iran. Tectonics, 34, 571

Bouilhol P., Magni V., van Hunen J. Kaislaniemi L. A numerical approach to melting in warm subduction zones Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 411, 37


Magni V., Bouilhol P., van Hunen J. Deep water recycling through time. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15


Bouilhol P., Jagoutz O. Hanchar J. Dudas F.O. Dating the India-Eurasia collision through arc magmatic records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 366, 163


Bouilhol P., Burg J-P., Bodinier J-L., Schmidt M.W. Gem olivine and calcite mineralization precipitated from subduction-derived fluids in the Kohistan arc-mantle (Pakistan). Canadian Mineralogist, 50, 1291

Bouilhol P., Connolly J.A.D., Burg J-P. Geological evidence and modelling of melt migration by porosity waves in the sub-arc mantle of Kohistan Geology, 39, 1091

Bouilhol P., Schaltegger U., Chiaradia M., Ovtcharova M., Stracke A., Burg J-P. (2011) Timing of juvenile arc crust formation and evolution in the Sapat Complex (Kohistan-Pakistan) Chemical Geology, 280, 243

Bouilhol P., Burg J-P., Bodinier J-L., Schmidt M.W., Dawood H., Hussain S. (2009) Magma and fluid percolation in arc to forearc mantle : Evidence from Sapat Lithos 107, 17

Bouilhol P., Leyreloup AF., Delor C., Vauchez A., Monie P. (2006) Relationships between lower and upper crust tectonics during doming : The mylonitic southern edge of the Velay metamorphic core complex (Cévennes-French Massif Central) ; Geodinamica acta 19, 137


Caurant, C., Debret, B., Ménez, B., Nicollet, C., Bouilhol, P.

Redox heterogeneities in a subducting slab: Example from the Monviso meta-ophiolite (Western Alps, Italy) (Article de journal)

Dans: Lithos, vol. 446-447, p. 107136, 2023.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)


Bouilhol, P., Debret, B., Inglis, E., Warembourg, M., Grocolas, T., Rigaudier, T., Villeneuve, J., Burton, K. W.

Decoupling of inorganic and organic carbon during slab mantle devolatilisation (Article de journal)

Dans: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 308, 2022.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Grocolas, T., Bouilhol, P., Caro, G., Mojzsis, S.

Eoarchean subduction-like magmatism recorded in 3750 Ma mafic--ultramafic rocks of the Ukaliq supracrustal belt (Québec) (Article de journal)

Dans: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 177, no. 39, 2022.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Tielke, J. A., Peslier, A. H., Christoffersen, R., Erickson, T. M., Cine, II., Jakubek, R. S., Cintala, M. J., Rahman, Z., Fries, M. D., Bouilhol, P.

Dislocation generation in experimentally shocked olivine crystals (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), vol. 127, p. e2021JE007042, 2022.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Couzinié, S., Bouilhol, P., Laurent, O., Grocolas, T., Montel, J. M.

Cambro--Ordovician ferrosilicic magmatism along the northern Gondwana margin: constraints from the Cézarenque--Joyeuse gneiss complex (French Massif Central) (Article de journal)

Dans: BSGF- Earth Sciences Bulletin, vol. 193, no. 15, 2022.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Debret, B., Ménez, B., Bouquerel, H., Bouilhol, P., Mattielli, N., Pisapia, C., Rigaudier, T., Williams, H. M.

High-pressure synthesis and storage of solid organic compounds in active subduction zones (Article de journal)

Dans: Science Advances, vol. 8, p. eabo2397, 2022.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)


Couzinié, S., Bouilhol, P., Laurent, O., Marko, L., Moyen, J. F.

When zircon drowns: Elusive geochronological record of water-fluxed orthogneiss melting in the Velay dome (Massif Central, France) (Article de journal)

Dans: Lithos, vol. 384-385, p. 106938, 2021.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Debret, B., Garrido, C. J., Pons, J., Bouilhol, P., Inglis, E., Sanchez-Vizcaino, V. Lopez, Williams, H.

Iron and zinc stable isotope evidence for open-system high-pressure dehydration of antigorite serpentinite in subduction zones (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 296, p. 210–225, 2021.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)


Horn, C., Bouilhol, P., Skemer, P.

Serpentinization, deformation, and seismic anisotropy in the subduction mantle wedge (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems G3, vol. 21, no. 4, 2020.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)


Burg, J. P., Bouilhol, P.

Timeline of the South-Tibet-Himalayan belt: the geochronological record of subduction, collision, and underthrusting from zircon and monazite U-Pb ages (Article de journal)

Dans: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 56, no. 12, p. 1318–1332, 2019.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Couzinié, S., Laurent, O., Chelle-Michou, C., Bouilhol, P., Paquette, J. L., A.M., Gannoun, Moyen, J. F.

Detrital zircon U--Pb--Hf systematics of Ediacaran metasediments from the French Massif Central:Consequence Detrital zircon U--Pb--Hf systematics of Ediacaran metasediments from the French Massif Central: Consequences for the crustal evolution of the north Gondwana margin (Article de journal)

Dans: Precambrian Research, vol. 324, p. 269–284, 2019.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Maunder, B., Hunen, J., Bouilhol, P., Magni, V.

Modeling slab temperature: A reevaluation of the thermal parameter (Article de journal)

Dans: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems G3, vol. 20, 2019.

(Résumé | BibTeX)


Debret, B., Bouilhol, P., Pons, M. L., Williams, H.

Carbonate transfer during the Onset of slab devolatilization: New insights from Fe and Zn stable isotopes (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Petrology, vol. 59, no. 6, p. 1145–1166, 2018.

(Résumé | BibTeX)

Eeken, T., Goes, S., Pedersen, H. A., Arndt, N., Bouilhol, P.

Seismic evidence for depth-dependent metasomatism in cratons (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 491, p. 148–159, 2018.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Jagoutz, O., Bouilhol, P., Schaltegger, U., Müntener, O.

The isotopic evolution of the Kohistan Ladakh arc from subduction initiation to continent arc collision (Article de journal)

Dans: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, vol. 483, 2018.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Jolivet, L., Faccenna, C., Becker, R. H., Tesauro, M., Sternai, P., Bouilhol, P.

Mantle flow and deforming continents:From India-Asia convergence to Pacific subduction (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 37, p. 2887-2814, 2018.

(Résumé | BibTeX)

Kaislaniemi, L., Hunen, J., Bouilhol, P.

Lithosphere destabilization by melt weakening and crust-mantle interactions: Implications for generation of granite-migmatite belts (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 37, 2018.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)

Riel, N., Bouilhol, P., Hunen, J. Van, Cornet, J., Magni, V., Grigorova, V., Velic, M.

Interaction between mantle-derived magma and lower arc crust: quantitative reactive melt flow modelling using STyx (Article de journal)

Dans: Geological Society of London Special Publication, vol. 478, 2018.

(Résumé | BibTeX)


Freeburn, R., Bouilhol, P., Maunder, B., Magni, V., Hunen, J.

Numerical models of the magmatic processes induced by slab breakoff (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 478, p. 203–213, 2017.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)