Bouchaib Tibari
Fonction : Ingénieur d'études (IEHC CNRS)
Domaine(s) de recherche :

Thermochronologie basse température :

Double datation (U-He)/(U-Pb) in-situ et (U-Th-Sm)/He

Datation par les isotopes cosmogéniques de l’He et du Ne



Mots clés :

Double datation, ablation laser, Spectrométrie de masse, ICP-MS

Coordonnées :

15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy – France

Téléphone : +33 (0)3 83 59 42 31
Bureau : 222

Au sein de la plateforme spectrométrie Gaz Rares, je suis chargé de la mise en œuvre de plusieurs techniques instrumentales pour l’analyses des gaz rares par spectrométrie de masse.

Dans ce carde je réalise des développements analytiques pour la thermochronologie basse température (U-He).

J’accueille et forme les doctorants et chercheurs à nos différentes techniques et j’assure le suivi analytique des mesures.


Sartégou, A., Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Bourl`es, D. L., Sorriaux, P., Zimmermann, L., Laffitte, A., Tibari, B., Leanni, L., Guillou, V., Bourdet, A., team., ASTER

Late Cenozoic evolution of the Ari`ege River valley (Pyrenees) constrained by cosmogenic 26Al/10Be and 10Be/21Ne dating of cave sediments (Article de journal)

Dans: Geomorphology, vol. 371, p. 107441, 2020.

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Ternois, S., Odlum, M., Ford, M., Pik, R., Stockli, D., Tibari, B., Vacherat, A., Bernard, V.

Thermochronological evidence of early orogenesis,Eastern Pyrenees, France (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 38, p. 1308–1336, 2019.

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Martins, L., Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Condom, T., Prémaillon, M., Jomelli, V., Brunstein, D., Lupker, M., Charreau, J., Mariotti, V., Tibari, B., Team., ASTER, Davy, E.

Lake Tauca highstand (Heinrich Stadial 1a) driven by a southward shift of the Bolivian High (Article de journal)

Dans: Science Advances, vol. 4, 2018.

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Sartégou, A., Bourl`es, D. L., Blard, P. H., Braucher, R., Tibari, B., Zimmermann, L., Leanni, L., Team., ASTER, Auma^itre, G., Keddadouche, K.

Deciphering landscape evolution with karstic networks: A Pyrenean case study (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 43, p. 12–29, 2018.

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Puchol, N., Blard, P. H., Pik, R., Tibari, B., Lavé, J.

Variability of magmatic and cosmogenic 3 He in Ethiopian river sands of detrital pyroxenes: Impact on denudation rate determinations (Article de journal)

Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 448, p. 13–25, 2017.

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Vacherat, A., Mouthereau, F., Pik, R., Huyghe, P., Paquette, J. L., Christophoul, F., Loget, N., Tibari, B.

Rift-to-collision sediment routing in the Pyrenees : A synthesis from sedimentological, geochronological and kinematic constraints (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 172, p. 43–74, 2017.

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Tibari, B., Vacherat, A., Stab, M., Pik, R., Yeghicheyan, D., Hild, P.

An Alternative Protocol for Single Zircon Dissolution with Application to (U-Th-Sm)/He Thermochronometry (Article de journal)

Dans: Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 2016.

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Vacherat, A., Mouthereau, F., Pik, R., Bellahsen, N., Gautheron, C., Bernet, M., Daudet, M., Balansa, J., Tibari, B., Jamme, R. Pinna, Radal, J.

Rift-to-collision transition recorded by tectono-thermal evolution of the northern Pyrenees (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 35, p. 907–933, 2016.

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Blard, P. H., Balco, G., Burnard, P. G., Farley, K., Fenton, C. R., Friedrich, R., Jull, A. J. T., Niedermann, S., Pik, R., Schaefer, J. M., Scott, E. M., Shuster, D. L., Stuart, F. M., Stute, M., Tibari, B., Winckler, G., Zimmermann, L.

An inter-laboratory comparison of cosmogenic 3 He and radiogenic 4 He in the CRONUS-P pyroxene standard (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Geochronology, vol. 26, p. 11–19, 2015.

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Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Farley, K. A., Ramirez, V., Jimenez, N., Martin, L. C. P., Charreau, J., Tibari, B., Fornari, M.

Progressive glacial retreat in the Southern Altiplano (Uturuncu volcano, 22textdegreeS) between 65 and 14 ka constrained by cosmogenic 3 He dating (Article de journal)

Dans: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 82, p. 209–221, 2014.

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Poujol, A., Ritz, J. F., Tahayt, A., Vernant, P., Condomines, M., Blard, P. H., Billant, J., Vacher, L., Tibari, B., Hni, L., Koulalildrissi, A.

Active tectonics of the Northern Rif (Morocco) from geomorphic and geochronological data (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Geodynamics, vol. 77, p. 70–88, 2014.

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Vacherat, A., Mouthereau, F., Pik, R., Bernet, M., Gautheron, C., Masini, E., Pourhiet, L. Le, Tibari, B., Lahfid, A.

Thermal imprint of rift-related processes in orogens as recorded in the Pyrenees (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 408, p. 296–306, 2014.

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Blard, P. H., Lavé, J., Sylvestre, F., Placzek, C. J., Claude, C., Galy, V., Condom, T., Tibari, B.

Cosmogenic 3He production rate in the high tropical Andes (3800m,20◦S): Implications for the local last glacial maximum (Article de journal)

Dans: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 377-378, p. 260–275, 2013.

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Godard, V., Pik, R., Lavé, J., Cattin, R., Tibari, B., Sigoyer, J., Pubellier, M., Zhu, J.

Late Cenozoic evolution of the central Longmen Shan, eastern Tibet: Insight from (U-Th)/He thermochronometry (Article de journal)

Dans: Tectonics, vol. 28, no. TC5009, p. 1–17, 2009.

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