Jean-Marc Montel
Fonction : Professeur - Université de Lorraine
Coordonnées :

15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy – France

Téléphone : +33 (0)3 83 59 42 38
Bureau : 307


Couzinié, S., Bouilhol, P., Laurent, O., Grocolas, T., Montel, J. M.

Cambro--Ordovician ferrosilicic magmatism along the northern Gondwana margin: constraints from the Cézarenque--Joyeuse gneiss complex (French Massif Central) (Article de journal)

Dans: BSGF- Earth Sciences Bulletin, vol. 193, no. 15, 2022.

(Résumé | Liens | BibTeX)


Montel, J. M., Razafimahatratra, D., Perseval, P., Poitrasson, F., Moine, B., Seydoux-Guillaume, A. M., Pik, R., Arnaud, N., Gibert, F.

The giant monazite crystals from Manangotry (Madagascar) (Article de journal)

Dans: Chemical Geology, vol. 484, p. 36–50, 2018.

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Yonta-Ngoune, C., Nkoumbou, C., Barbey, P., Breton, N. Le, Montel, J. M., Villieras, F.

Geological context of the Boumnyebel talcschists (Cameroun): Inferences on the Pan-African Belt of Central Africa (Article de journal)

Dans: Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, vol. 342, no. 2, p. 108–115, 2010.

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Barbey, P., Marignac, C., Montel, J. M., Macaudi`ere, J., Gasquet, D., Jabbori, J.

Cordierite growth textures and the conditions of genesis and emplacement of crustal granitic magmas : the Valey Granite complex ( Massif Central, France) (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Petrology, vol. 40, no. 9, p. 1425–1441, 1999.

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Montel, J. M., Marignac, C., Barbey, P., Pichavant, M.

Thermobarometry and granite genesis : the Hercynian low-P high-T Velay anatectic dome (French Massif Central) (Article de journal)

Dans: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, vol. 10, p. 1–15, 1992.



Montel, J. M., Lhote, F., Claude, J. M.

Monazite end members and solid solutions : synthesis, unit-cell characteristics, and utilization as microprobe standards (Article de journal)

Dans: Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 53, p. 120–123, 1989.



Montel, J. M.

Premi`ere découverte dtextquoterightune vaugnérite `a orthopyrox`ene : pétrographie, géochimie et conséquences pour la gen`ese des vaugnérites (Article de journal)

Dans: Comptes-Rendus de ltextquoterightAcadémie des Sciences, série II, vol. 306, p. 985–990, 1988.


Pichavant, M., Montel, J. M.

Petrogenesis of a two-mica ignimbrite suite: the Macusani volcanics, SE Peru (Article de journal)

Dans: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-Earth Sciences, vol. 79, 1988.



Montel, J. M.

Experimental determination of the solubility of Ce-monazite in SiO2-Al2O3-K2O-Na2O melts at 800textdegreeC, 2 kbar, under H2O-saturated conditions (Article de journal)

Dans: Geology, vol. 14, p. 659–662, 1986.


Montel, J. M., Weber, C., Barbey, P., Pichavant, M.

Thermo-barométrie du domaine anatectique du Velay (Massif Central, France) et conditions de gen`ese des granites tardi-migmatitiques (Article de journal)

Dans: Comptes Rendus de ltextquoterightAcadémie des Sciences, série II, vol. 302, p. 647–652, 1986.


Montel, J. M., Weber, C., Pichavant, M.

Biotite-sillimanite-spinel assemblages in high-grade metamorphic rocks : occurrences, chemographic analysis and the thermobarometric interest (Article de journal)

Dans: Bulletin de Minéralogie, vol. 109, p. 555–573, 1986.


Montel, J. M., Weisbrod, A.

Characteristics and evolution of textquotelefttextquoteleftvaugneritic magmastextquoterighttextquoteright : an analytical and experimental approach, on the example of the Cévennes médianes (French Massif Central) (Article de journal)

Dans: Bulletin de Minéralogie, vol. 109, p. 575–587, 1986.



Montel, J. M.

Xénolithes peralumineux dans les dolérites du Peyron, en Velay (Massif Central, France). Indications sur ltextquoterightévolution de la cro^ute profonde tardi-hercynienne (Article de journal)

Dans: Comptes Rendus de ltextquoterightAcadémie des Sciences, série II, vol. 301, p. 615–620, 1985.
